Melusi Tshabalala has been using Facebook to teach isiZulu, and this weekend’s word has a seriously powerful message behind it!
Johannesburg, South Africa (09 March 2020) – Melusi Tshabalala started something in 2017 that we didn’t know we needed!
He posts isiZulu words and their meanings in the hopes to educate his fellow South Africans. Melusi shares his educational post publicly, so it is easy to follow him and get informative updates.
The latest word he is teaching is Impilo which means life. He used this weekend’s teaching to highlight the importance of looking after your life. The message is incredibly powerful and has made a lasting impact on our minds. We won’t be forgetting Impilo and in fact, plan to take some of Melusi’s advice.
“This weekend’s isiZulu word is impilo. Impilo is life. Impilo is wonderful.
How many of your peers’ dads died in their 40’s? Quite a few. YOU are in your 40’s now. Don’t do that to your kids.
Go to the doctor/clinic and test for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes noku phapha. You can even do it at Clicks.
It also helps to cut down on the booze and drugs. Working out is also good. Eat your fucking veggies and cut down on the meat. Eating lots of meat doesn’t make you manly. Nothing will make you manly, Tshepo. You will always be Tshepo, who got his head stuck through the fence at school. Kidding, you are all the man any man needs to be. More than that is overkill.
Anyway, real men eat their veggies and fruit. They also drink water. Lots of it. They wash their hands often.
Pap is colonialism in a pot.
Ooh, don’t forget the salt. That thing is a motherfucker. Or should I say fatherfucker?
You obviously shouldn’t drink and drive or have unprotected sex.
And for fucks’ sake meditate. Take a few minutes out of your day to just sit in silence and pull yourself towards yourself. It does wonders.
There is nothing wrong with seeing a social worker or therapist. Seriously. Talk to somebody. Shit is tough and getting help doesn’t make you a poes.
Real men stay alive because they refuse to get killed by stupid masculinity. That shit is not manly.
South Africans, particularly men, are dying of non-communicable (lifestyle) diseases at an alarming rate. It doesn’t have to be this way.
The above obviously applies to women too. Be a real man, ma’am.”
We love the words that Melusi shares. If you would like to learn a new word each day, you can follow the Facebook page here. He even has a book now for those who want to learn offline.