Amidst gang violence and threats against students, a school in Mitchells Plain has been awarded the ‘Most Improved School’ title for 2017.
The Western Cape Education Department hosted its annual award ceremony to celebrate the 2017 results. One award recipient stood out above all the rest as the most improved school of the year.
Aloe High School in Mitchells Plain has been plagued with gang violence over the years but prevailed. The Education Department has awarded the school with the award because of the massive spike in their final results.
The principal of Aloe High School Envil Wertheim confirmed that the learners have been exposed to gang violence throughout the year but pushed through and committed to hard work. The school went from a pass rate of 51.1% to 87.2% which is a growth of nearly 21% since last year.
Principal Wertheim feels really proud of his students and for the dedication of the teachers.
“Progress is evident, Aloe High is a moving train heading for greater & bigger things. Class of 2K18 the ball is in your court. AHSRCL wishes you nothing but the best.” – Aloe High School RCL Notice Board.
EWN was on the ground the day the awards were passed out and managed to film the day.