Streetscapes Proudly South African

Reel Gardening has set up a Kickstarter to launch their proudly South African range of urban herb gardening kits and for every donation, a school in need will get a garden too.


Kickstarter is a platform that offers people the opportunity to crowdfund for their products. It is a reward-based platform, meaning that every donation will, in turn, receive a reward. Reel Gardening, a proudly South African company, has launched their new range of herb gardens on the platform.

Reel Gardening is a patented biodegradable seed tape which anchors seed and nutrients at the correct depth and distance apart. The tapes and kits are handmade and support mothers in South Africa, offering them a means of employment.

“Our manufacturing process is designed to create maximum employment of previously unemployed mothers.”

The company has a number of rewards based on donations but the best part of all is that each donation above $10 (approx R130.00 at time of writing) will help a South African school in need.

The funds will help the company install food gardens at schools in need, teaching the children how to grow and giving the school a resource for feeding their pupils.

“Reel Gardening was designed to serve these low-income schools and we promise the schools that receive a donated garden, that we will make sure they have enough seed tape to re-plant each year and each of our sales of our Planting bags or Pots enable us to donate seed tape re ll packs to these schools each year to ensure the learning continues. We partner with various NGO’s on the ground to make this happen.”

Apart from the charitable aspect, Reel Gardening is giving countries such as the UK, USA and EU access to a proudly South African product.

“This Kickstarter is launching our brand new urban planting kits which were designed to enable anyone to grow anywhere and for every kit we sell, we are able to donate a re-planting kit to a school in need so that they are able to continue using their gardens as an outdoor classroom year after year.” – Claire Reid, founder and CEO of Reel Gardening

The kits are made up of the beautiful and uniquely South African ShweShwe Fabric. This fabric is usually reserved to make dresses and headwear for special occasions. The company believes that a starting a food garden is a special occasion.

The company has already installed 2500 gardens in schools across South Africa and plans to grow further to secure the food security in more schools.

To become a part of this growing trend, you can find out more information here.

Sources: Supplied / Kickstarter
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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