Silly Season on South African roads is about to kick off and this year, the Swartland Municipality wants to remind road users that it is all our responsibility to keep each other safe.
Western Cape, South Africa (23 November 2022) – Swartland Municipality launched its annual Festive Season Road Safety Campaign this week. The campaign was launched at the N7 Weighbridge just outside Moorreesburg.
As we enter the Festive Season, road and transportation safety becomes an even greater priority; there is always a significant increase in traffic and visitors coming to or moving through the Swartland region. Road Safety is critical throughout the year, but unfortunately the Festive Season is often synonymous with some of the most horrific accidents. Some of the Western Cape’s busiest routes run through the Swartland, including the R27 and the N7 and the municipality wants to make every effort to ensure a safer travel environment for all. That is why the municipality’s traffic and law enforcement officers will work throughout the Festive Season.
The Law Enforcement and Traffic Department will work closely with other stakeholders in the region including the Provincial Traffic Department and the SAPS. The K9-unit will also be assisting and will focus on detecting and preventing illegal substance smuggling.
The year’s campaign focuses on the fact that safety is the responsibility of all road users. Road safety cannot depend only on law enforcement, it must be a communal responsibility.
“It cannot be the responsibility of other agencies or officers to keep you safe on the road. We must all act responsibly. Do not risk your own life, or that of your family in a taxi or bus that is not 100% safe and road worthy. Being a passenger is not a passive role, we must demand excellence and responsibility from our public transport providers. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the law enforcement, traffic and other officials who are sacrificing time with their families to ensure our safety during the holidays.” says Mayor Cleophas.
There are a few simple and easy to remember tips for staying safe on the roads this Festive Season:
- Do not drink and drive.
- Obey the speed limit.
- Do not use cell phones when driving. It is illegal and extremely dangerous.
- Ensure the vehicle is in a roadworthy condition.
- Ensure all vehicle occupants wear a seat belt.
- Maintain a safe following distance.
- Allow yourself to take short breaks when driving long distances.
If we all do our part and encourage our friends and family to do the same, we will all enjoy a safe and happy Festive Season.
If you find yourself on the roads this silly season, be sure to stay mindful of fellow road users and all the officials who will be working over the festive season.