Once again South Africa has ended up on a sexy list, and we can’t help but beam with excitement, this time we came in as the 6th sexiest nation in the world.
Johannesburg, South Africa – South Africans are pretty awesome. The country is filled with a melting pot of cultures, languages and traditions. Because of these factors, we have a great mix of beautiful people. In 2017 we shared the news that an Irish website had listed SA as the top sexiest accent, but readers weren’t convinced. Then this year Saffa’s were crowned with the second sexiest accents in the world, read here for more info.
1.5 million people from 60 countries took a survey and voted for the sexiest nationalities in the world. The votes came in, and South Africa placed sixth on the list. We are surrounded by other beautiful nationalities with Australia and Italy coming in before and after us.
Big 7 Media share several lists which promote global travel. In the past, we have shared their lists about South Africa. We were voted the 5th most “Instagrammable” county in the world, second sexiest accent and now this top ten win as well!
Credit to our win has to go to Charlize Theron, Elon Musk and Trevor Noah who are the faces of our country on the international stage. They were listed as examples of good looking South Africans when the voting started.
“Look, some countries are sexier than others – at least, that’s what the results of our latest survey of the sexiest nationality in the world is proving. We surveyed a sample of our 1.5 million social audience to get an insight into where you’ll find the world’s most beautiful people.
Survey respondents were given no further specifications of the term ‘sexy’, so interpretation of the word was up to them.
‘Sexy’, according to the fail-safe Merriam-Webster dictionary, is classified as “generally attractive or interesting”. While beauty may be only skin deep, it’s probably little consolation to the unlucky countries that have been voted as the least sexy in the world. Sorry, Ireland.
As for which is the sexiest nationality in the world? Our readers have spoken…”
Top 10 Sexiest Nationalities Accents 2019:
10th. Canadian
9th. English
8th. Armenian
7th. Italian
6th. South African
5th. Australian
4th. Brazilian
3rd. Filipino
2nd. Danish
1st. Ukrainian
So there you have it, now go out there and be sexy! If you want to see the full list of 50, you can check it out here.