Volunteerism Elderly Health benefits

The ‘For Good’ volunteerism website has launched a new campaign to get more of the elderly community involved in volunteering around South Africa!


‘For Good’ has launched a campaign that aims to get more of the South African elderly involved in volunteering. They hosted a survey which showed that the elderly get a massive boost from staying active and taking part in various forms of volunteering.

The survey also found that 76% of respondents reported volunteering made them feel healthier, with 94% saying that it improved their mental wellbeing and reduced stress levels.

For Good facilitates the links between the volunteers and the organisations needing the help.

“Many older volunteers possess profound knowledge and experience that can be utilised for a variety of worthy causes and organisations, the nonprofit sector in South Africa can gain real value from this talent pool.”  

“From bookkeeping, consulting, training and mentoring to doing something simple, yet equally satisfying, such as reading storybooks to children – there are a number of ways for older generations to get involved and make a difference.” – Andy Hadfield, CEO of forgood.co.za.

The website gave a few good reasons as to how and why volunteering was so important and how it would benefit the elderly.

Why volunteering is good for the elderly:

  1. New networks and friends – building new relationships or improving old ones through volunteering can strengthen your ties to your community and broaden your support network. In turn this exposes you to people with common interests, neighbourhood resources and fun and fulfilling activities.
  2. No pensioner discount required – financial worry is something that most people have to deal with once retired. Volunteering won’t cost you a cent, which means less stress and more fun.
  3. Go MAD and Make A Difference – volunteering gives you the oppportunity to help others, which in turn will help you to not only feel fulfilled but also to feel valued – these are all great for your long-term mental health and well-being.
  4. Never too old to learn – volunteering can teach you all kinds of new things, which will help to keep your brain active and healthy.
  5. Keeps you active – whether it’s playing with young children or helping to build a library, volunteering can help you to stay fit and physically strong.
  6. The happiness effect – it’s a fact, the more you volunteer the happier you are.

Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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