The small village of Bengkala in Bali has a high rate of deaf residents so for the last 7 generations, they have taught everyone to sign.
Bengkala is a unique village. They have a high rate of deaf residents due to a recessive gene. Ordinarily, a town of 3,000 people would have an average of 4 deaf residents, but the community experiences a high rate of deafness due to the recessive gene. There are a total of 44 deaf residents living in the village.
The gene has been passed down for the last 7 generations. Instead of ostracizing their deaf neighbours, the town made up their own form of sign language called Kata Kolok. The sign language was developed by the town’s people over the years
Every single person living in the village can sign Kata Kolok because it is taught in the local school. The classes run from Grade 1 to Grade 6.
This inclusive town is one to admire. Everyone is able to communicate no matter their hearing ability. Watch the amazing video below.