Black Monday south africa black flag

South Africans want the Government to acknowledge their lack of assistance in farm murders and crime in general across SA. This is Black Monday…


Last week we discussed the matter of Black Monday and the importance of stopping all murder in South Africa. In the post, we shared some scary statistics but we also shared tips on what to do to be proactive every single day and not just on one day. You can read that very important post here.

The Black Monday movement has had equal parts praise and criticism but the facts remain South Africans need to stand together in order to protect the country.

These are some of the images from Black Monday…

Black Monday
Photo provided by Nicky J. van Vuuren, Chilli PicNic

“There’s a huge pile-up on the R59 near Redan in the Vaal Triangle, where some 180 vehicles are blocking the road. It is a demonstration against the SA government’s lack of action with regard to farm murders and crime in general. The demonstrators will open the road once the Mayor received their memorandum.” – Sedibeng Ster

Black Monday

“Voor sesuur en honderde voeruie is reeds saamgetrek op die R44 oorkant Joubert Conradie se plaashek.” – Front Nasionaal SA – blad

Black Monday

Men and women on their knees in prayer.

Credit: Eugene Wessels

“Ons en ons werkers rou oor die boere en mense wat in geweld op plase gesterf het.” – Eugene Wessels

Credit: Johan van der Merwe

Sources: Various, linked where possible
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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