Best Thing Why I choose to stay! Messages of hope and love for South Africa!
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We asked a simple question… the response was incredible and certainly left us with our hearts feeling much warmer.


South Africa (30 July 2019) – Mainstream media can often make us feel like we’re on the losing side of a long battle with stories of racism, hate and crime filling our newsfeeds daily and making us feel such despair.

But the truth is that those stories are only one side of the South African coin, and in reality, we have so many things to celebrate. This was the reason that Good Things Guy was launched on the 1st of August 2015… to showcase the good things happening in our beautiful country.

Good Things Guy is dedicated to telling good stories & we like to share things that inspire. The award-winning platform is one of the leading good news sites in South Africa & has grown from one person with a simple idea to a full team that brings good news to South Africans every day.

Our mission has always been to change the national conversation and give South Africans a balance to the news in South Africa.

We Believe There's Always a Bit of Good

But every now & then it feels like there is a mass emigration of South Africans leaving the country, and our readers keep mentioning that it feels like that now… again. We decided to ask them to change their own national conversation, to inspire each other and tell us why they choose to stay in South Africa, and the response was incredible!

If you’re feeling negative in any way or just need a little “pick me up”, then read all the amazing comments below from awesome South Africans sharing their good things with each other:

“The laughter, love, forgiveness and kindness of South Africans. The way we love sport! Our unique sense of humour! Through Ubuntu, South Africans are abundantly giving. This is home; this is the heartland; we are a nation and a land of contrasts and beauty. This is where we can touch lives and make a difference.” – Kim Austen

“It is in my blood – the uniqueness of our beautiful country… And the huge potential we have to find peace and harmony it this country with its amazing, diverse and friendly people. I also love our can do/make a plan mentality. I would hate to live in a place where even my “dust bin putting out” is dictated by rules and regulations…..” – Cherilynn Poynter

“SA possess an energy you find only here! Laughter, dancing in even the direst circumstances! Toothless smiles on street corners present priceless opportunities to do good. We are privileged in a very special and unique way.” – Nikki Kruger

“I lived in Australia for eight years of my life and coming back home; I realised how diverse and humble South Africans really are. Yes, our country is not the safest nor is it the wealthiest but what we have in abundance is kind, caring and loving people who make South Africa what it is.” – Warren Mac Gregor

“The people. Our country is beautiful, I agree, but it’s the people who’ve made me stay. We’re full of hope; we’re kind, helpful, friendly, hospitable, generous, loving, and inclusive. Whenever I read stories of the hate in other parts of the world, I think “that won’t happen here”. We thought of leaving in the 1970s, but when we came back and saw the smiling faces at the airport, and on trips with the kids into out-of-the-way places as they were growing up, we found reasons to stay. In 1994 when two of them voted for the first time, and we saw the joy, and friendliness in the long lines at the voting stations, we knew we were right. Now my grandkids are being raised in the new world we made here. Their parents also say they’re not going anywhere.” – Ivy Bedworth

“After travelling the world and thinking about maybe wanting to live elsewhere, when I actually went there to experience each place, they had nothing on SA! There is something missing everywhere else. What that THING is exactly, I’m not sure. I don’t need to know, but I have a feeling it’s the content of every comment on this post. I just know I belong here.” – Timea Kulcsar

“South Africa has soul. The people are rich in character and humanity. And people really care. I currently live and work overseas, but as soon as I am financially able, will be back. My entire family still lives in SA, and that is where my heart is. I look forward to coming home to visit and see my family. I hear and see so many negative things here from immigrants, and I always say, what about the people who can’t leave? Why share shitty stories or say bad things and put that shit on them? We should be willing and wanting it to be the best place for our friends and family who are there. I certainly cannot wait to come home. There is nowhere in this world like it. Viva South Africa.” – Tracey Stanton

.I could never leave AFRICA (South Africa) … It’s in my bones ♥️ I continue to live in hope and positivity … WE have to fight for change, for an awakening, for peace! Like many others, I too have experienced horrific trauma here ~ but I truly believe we can ALL do something to make a difference. NAMASTÉ.” – Adele Wright

“When you take the time to look past what the news says and look at what is going on in the Real South Africa. The relationships building. The help given. The kindness shown just because you can and regardless of any and all differences. The nitty-gritty of the country and not what our politicians want us to hear and see. Take a good look beyond the murders, killings, racial episodes, and other depressing news. Really look. And you will find the real South Africa quietly building bridges between all people of all age, colour, race, creed and religion. We need to dig deep and hang onto the positives in our country and build on that. It is there, quietly thriving. We need to keep the momentum going and feed this positive movement. Yes, we all have bad days, downright horrible days filled with crime etc. But dust that off and help build the rainbow nation that is already here. Keep working on it, no matter how many obstacles you come up against. Keep your head and remember why we love South Africa. Because this is our home. And we will fight to keep our home. Not with weapons but with kindness, humility, positiveness and helping one another if and where we can.” – Liesel Landsberg Croghan-Black

“It seems the common thread that resonates in all these messages is the beauty of the country and the beauty of MOST of its people, as well as kindness. So if kindness is something we are known for, then I’m proud as hell. I did emigrate in 1999 and returned after six years. The day I landed on SA soil again was one of the happiest days of my life… the street vendors, the birds, the trees, the crickets and frog sounds at night, the kindness as already mentioned. There’s no bullshitting about how we struggle as well. Crime, jobs, despicable taxis, all the government issues and the list goes on, but I guess I’d rather struggle in beauty and with really cool people than in ugly places with miserable moaners😂🤣 Love our country, warts and all!” – Lee Brammall 

Sources: Good Things Guy 
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Have something to add to this story? Please share it in the comments or follow GoodThingsGuy on Facebook & Twitter to keep up to date with good news as it happens, or share your good news with us by clicking here or click the link below to listen to the Good Things Guy Podcast with Brent Lindeque – South Africa’s very own Good Things Guy. He’s on a mission to change what the world pays attention to, and he truly believes there’s good news around us. In the Good Things Guy podcast, you’ll meet these everyday heroes & hear their incredible stories:

Or watch an episode of Good Things TV below, a show created to offer South Africans balance in a world with what feels like constant bad news. We’re here to remind you that there are still so many good things happening in South Africa & we’ll leave you feeling a little more proudly South African.

About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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