If 35 friends gave up 1 cup of coffee a week… they could fund the monthly salary of a gold ‘Youth Development Agency’ facilitator.
Imagine how good the other 6 cups will taste knowing that you are part of the solution to the unemployment crisis. In fact you could even meet for a coffee and chat about the great work that your young facilitator is doing in their community.
Consumed by a vision of young Africans living out their given purposes in life and leading Africa into its full potential, Susannah Farr (gold CEO) founded a community-based NGO in 2000.
Its primary aim was to test the theory of youth peer education where positive peer pressure is structured to bring about sustained community change through an ‘each one reach one’ approach.
Today gold Youth is a dynamic non-profit organisation contributing towards measurable outcomes in education, social behaviour change and job creation amongst grassroots youth across priority communities in Southern Africa.
gold Youth is served by an International Head Office team based in Cape Town, with supporting field operations and partners across selected provinces in South Africa, Zambia and Botswana with groundwork conducted into Zimbabwe.
There is a dire shortage of role models and youth development support workers in Southern Africa. Why not see this as an OPPORTUNITY for youth employment creation? The institution does just this through their facilitator internship.
A major focus of the gold Model is the intensive development of young adults from disadvantaged communities through a life-changing three year internship as a gold facilitator. They develop critical skills and are also the key agents responsible for mentoring and training adolescents from vulnerable communities.
A gold facilitator is sometimes the only thing keeping a teenager in school and out of a gang. They offer a family and guidance that is otherwise absent in that young person life. In fact – if you met some of the gold facilitators you may want to give up 7 coffees a week. (-:
For more information on gold go to their website.
Contact Nathalie if you would like to be part of the solution to youth unemployment on nathalie@goldpe.org.za