Law Students from the University of the Western Cape are using their knowledge to represent high school students involved in disciplinary hearings.
A learner at Bosmansdam High School was recently represented by a group of University of the Western Cape Law students during a disciplinary hearing.
The Chamber of Legal Students was co-founded by Yolisa Nocanda and Kwanda Mkalipi, two of the representatives present at the disciplinary hearing for the Bosmansdam learner. The learner was within his rights to request legal representation as per the Schools Act.
“The Chamber of Legal Students is not of the view that students should not be punished when they transgress, however we are of the view that schools and high schools should follow all necessary procedures and protocols when disciplining students”
“Hence why we use the Schools Act to provide free representation at governing bodies of our clients” – Yolisa Nocanda
In this particular case the law students felt they had a very strong case against the alleged charges. Unfortunately the law students were facing a biased governing body whom had decided on a verdict before hearing the arguments of the case. The law students felt undermined by the chair person who had made jokes about their presence at the hearing.
While the students did not have a successful verdict they will not give up on the case and have gained valuable experience within their field of studies.
Kwanda Mkalipi encouraged the high school learner to continue with his studies and sporting activities, making sure to stay out of trouble as the school would be looking to make an example of him.