Together - Angel Network Sing Rainbow Nation Johannesburg RAK artist
Photo Credit: Supplied | On File

One South African storyteller is making a massive difference in the lives of her community… just by telling their stories.


“I have a name” is an incredible photo series showcasing everyday South Africans in the most phenomenal way. Proudly South African… one story at a time.

The stories are told by the incredible South Africans… raw & unedited. It’s a showcase of humanness, a reminder that behind every face, is a name.

Many of the stories reveal a deep sadness, a realness of the harsh life some humans have to endure. Since starting this series, many have come on board to assist & it has been incredible to see.

“I have a name” would like to thank the many, many, wonderful generous people out there who have gone out of their way to cross bridges and make a difference…

“My role is the storyteller…the rest is up to all you wonderful readers – so really these updates are thanks to all of you!”

Here are some recent updates:

  1. Richard’s painting business has thrived- he is wanting to invest in a car so that getting around is easier for him. His budget is R10,000 if anyone has a run around they are wanting to sell
  2. Mthabini received a beautiful bed – I still want to do a separate feedback post on her with some pictures! Thank you to the anonymous donor! She was apparently in tears,she was so happy!
  3. Eustance our homegrown hero, sent me a message last week that he has a job driving trucks!
  4. Joli the car guard artist is taking some computer/design lessons every other weekend from an interior designer who is teaching him to use Adobe photoshop and Illustrator. One thing that would be extremely helpful for him is a laptop. The designer will get a hold of the programs to load onto it – This way he can practice at home during the evenings and grow this new skill. Is anyone willing to give him a laptop? (* update – taken care of )
  5. Patrica did not have anyone contact her with recording leads…anyone have connections?
  6. Moses’ story generated lots of responses. People loved his animals! A beautiful business card design was created for him by Bianca
  7. Bongani was blown away and humbled by all the responses. He now has temporary work for which he is so so thankful. He is still available for buiding work.
  8. Brendon is super happy selling biltong to many customers.
  9. Elijah received a new wheelchair!! Thank you Robyn Merlyn Begemann
  10. Fani Ketso realises that he is now famous and lots of people are buying his seeds.
  11. Franci’s student’s art exhibition was a beautiful and inspiring evening.
  12. In response to the Kango Camp stories – I received a phonecall from someone wanting to help train up 2 possible ladies from the community to run the preschool
  13. Nthabiseng’s story generated a lot of resonses and her poor teacher was inundated with phonecalls and messages. I’m very excited to tell you that it looks like her education and accomodation is going to be taken care of – I’ll post more details as this story unfolds.
  14. Nancy has two interviews lined up
  15. Alan – remember Alan the weaver? He met up with Samantha Webster this month and she bought some of his beautiful birdnests. He’s just been through a very tough time – his phone was stolen ( Samantha gave him a replacement phone) and his mom has been very sick. He is desperate to go back to Malawi after 6 years, and to see his mom as he is worried that she will die before he can get back. Please support his business so that he can save the money for a trip to his family.
  16. Last but not least…Kudra… I got a very happy message this week that she has been reunited with her son and is back with her new employers, ready to start a new chapter!

I have a name update

“I Have A Name” is a space where an anonymous photographer (we’ll call her J) is taking photos of everyday South Africans to showcase their incredible stories.

How do we bridge the great South African divides? Black vs white, young vs old, rich vs poor, men vs women? The divides that keep us from making eye contact with the beggar standing on the street corner, or the stranger in the lift.

CS Lewis said, “There are no ordinary people. You have never talked to a mere mortal. Nations, cultures, arts, civilizations – these are mortal, and their life is to ours as the life of a gnat. But it is immortals whom we joke with, work with, marry, snub and exploit – immortal horrors or everlasting splendors. This does not mean that we are to be perpetually solemn. We must play. But our merriment must be of that kind (and it is, in fact, the merriest kind) which exists between people who have, from the outset, taken each other seriously – no flippancy, no superiority, no presumption.”

Come with me on a journey…the stories and names behind the faces of everyday South Africans living their life in your neighbourhood, on your streets.

I think you will discover that we have a lot in common.

Have something to add to this story? Share it in the comments or follow “I Have A Name” on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram & WordPress to keep up to date with good news as it happens.

About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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