South African Author

An open letter to Ramaphosa from a white, Afrikaans tannie from the suburbs of Pretoria is going viral for all the right reasons.


Pretoria, South Africa – Sophia Kapp, a self-proclaimed white, Afrikaans tannie from the suburbs of Pretoria has written an open letter to newly elected ANC party leader Cyril Ramaphosa which is being shared by thousands of South Africans who believe in her words too.

The post has been shared thousands of times as people have resonated with Sophia’s comments.

See the full letter below:

Dear Mr Ramaphosa

Congratulations on your election as the president of the ANC. I mean that sincerely. Take it from me: When a white, Afrikaans tannie from the suburbs of Pretoria is happy and relieved that you are the winner of this race, it says a lot about the state of affairs in this country.

Please remember that while tonight you have become the leader of a party, you will in all probability become the leader of this country. Those are two different jobs, a concept with which your predecessor apparently had some trouble.

So, here are a few pointers:

  • No selling us out to the Guptas and their ilk. You are the leader of a democracy, not the CEO of a corrupt sweat shop where the workers are chained to looms while the owners sip gin-and-tonics on the porch of the country club.
  • No appointing your lovers to the cabinet. We want people who can actually do the jobs they’re paid to do.
  • No homestead. Do you hear that? You have a home. Actually, as prez, you’ll have several, which we already maintain. That’s enough. You want another house, build it with your own money, not ours. If you need a fire pool, let me know, Jabulani and I will come and dig you one for a couple of hundred rands.
  • No colluding with anybody who serves their own interests above ours. Yes, we want electricity. No, we don’t want to make Russians rich.
  • Africa is not a dumping ground for Chinese toxic waste. In whatever format.
  • Watch Ace. Tell him to give back those cars.
  • You may be taking over a messy government, but you’re going to be the president of some mighty fine people.

Like my dad who is eighty-one and still thinks this is the best country on the planet. And my son who has to survive here long after you and I will both be gone. And Jabulani, who comes to my house with a smile and good wishes every time he sees me, even though he has a tough life. 

And my friends, and my colleagues, and my students, and my son’s friend who have to catch a train in Soweto at five every morning to be on time for class, and the guy who guards my car at Pick n Pay and comes running with an umbrella when it rains and links his arm through mine and says, “Stay close, Mama, this rain will make you ill if it catches you”.

You will be the president of all of us. We work our butts off to make a living. That is worthy of your respect. Govern accordingly.

Good luck with a tough job. Strive to be worthy of us.


Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.


  1. Good day Mr Ramaphosa,
    Congratulations on your being appointment the new President of the ANC.
    May l remind you Sir, that l have on a few occasions had the pleasure of meeting you at Walkersons and even at Finsbury. Your interest in fly fishing is an indication to me that you are a Gentleman.
    You obviously enjoy living a civilised life with your interest in game and cattle breeding, good wine, living in style, etc.
    You are just the man to help to get our beloved Country back on track; having watched it over the last 10 years, through corruption, dishonesty, and too many disgraceful things to mention briefly; so we are holding you close to our hearts to help us all ‘get back on track’ asap!
    Our Farmers, our families, our businesses are all in huge danger; CRIME IS COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL!
    Please Sir, may we all work together once again to make SOUTH AFRICA the bestest Country in the World?

  2. What a star of a letter!! I grew up during the apartheid times and saw the sole and spirit in the eyes of the black workers on our farm. I recognised them as fellow humans. Then for a very long time people shuttered their feelings when I looked at them, and it made me feel sad. During the past few years I have met the eyes of strangers across the pavement and they smile and ‘see’ me. ILOVE THAT!! Please Mr Ramaphosa help us to build on that. Help us to trust, accept and ‘see’ each other again. Help us to become one nation. I have faith in you. Your attitude and believes will filter down to the rest of us and unite us as never before. May God walk with you

  3. Congratulations sir .. our good wishes are with u. Please clean up all the mess made by greedy people in government and others links with them. We all looking forward to good future in soutg africa and then we can able to say that our country is much better then canada America etc.. we all with you to make this country great and one of the best in this world

    God bless you sir

  4. Congratulations Cyril. God is on your side and me too. Kindly bring order and peace, prosperity and honour back to our beloved dearest country. U were born and trained for a time like this. Exitingly looking forward to God,s wisdom operating through you while we pray for you.

  5. Thank you fr showing that not all white ppl are racist and for beautiful words or encouragement.Im hoping he takes your advice and dig us out of this hole. Ps:I will be there with a shovel too.

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