Beyond Bars Akademia, has taken on 10 previously imprisoned women and plans to help them learn skills that can be turned into jobs within the hospitality industry.


Beyond Bars Akademia, helps rehabilitate women from Pollsmoor Prison. Their goal is to help them learn useful skills within the hospitality industry that can be turned into full-time employment. This should then help break the cycle and ensure these women never end up behind bars again.

The project is currently in its pilot phase with funding still being gathered to start up the school fulltime.

“We give these women hope through our specialized, sponsored hospitality training. Our program gives them the qualifications they need to enter the job market, and equips them with the life skills they need to thrive as they re-enter society.”

“The BBA institute offers training, accommodation and an apprenticeship salary. More than a linear approach, our training is based on 5 different pillars: Theory & Practice, Cross disciplinary education, Life skills and our “give back to the community” scheme.”

They are currently teaching the women to become expert cocktail makers. As you can see from the images below, they are doing phenomenally well at it.

The founder, Stephanie Simbo, won a massive cocktail competition and has written a cocktail book. With that, she was inspired to use her skills and her childhood as inspiration to make a difference in these women’s lives.

The Beyond Bars team is raising money to fully fund this project. They launched a Thundafund to help raise the money needed to fully launch the project.

Their end goal is to work towards uplifting 500 women per year.

Credit: Oliver Petrie

Sources: Thundafund 
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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