South African women and their friends are uniting across the globe to speak out against gender-based violence in South Africa.
Global – Groups on Facebook have sprung to life filled with women from across the globe, supporting each other through this tough time in South Africa. The groups have multiple purposes; they offer a safe platform for women to share their stories of gender-based violence, to seek support, to discuss ways to get lawmakers listening and to organise protests.
A few have even helped women get out of scary situations, leave abusive partners and create safe spaces for those looking to leave.
The groups are creating an aspect of life that was once missing in the female community. A sense of unity is emerging, one beyond demographics, that encompasses what it means to be a woman today.
For many, there is now a sense of belonging instead of going through a day-to-day survivor mentality alone.
Many groups are classes as secret groups and to join one needs to be a woman and needs to be invited by another woman. Much like a secret society, this is done for the protection of the women sharing their darkest moments.
Another significant aspect of the group is that some information is being shared about upcoming court cases, and groups of women are committing to offer support by being present for friends and family when suspects take the stand.
Groups from all over the world are now organising protests in their countries to stand with South Africa.
The level of love that is being shown not only by women in South Africa but women across the globe is so heartwarming! We love seeing this kind of love and even though it has been borne from such tragic circumstances.
We won’t be linking to any of the groups out of respect for their purpose but if you are a woman and not part of one, ask your friends. Everyone knows someone joined to one of the groups and all you need is someone who is already in one to add you.