Slipper Day
Photo Credit: Reach for a Dream Foundation

Reach for a Dream Foundation’s Slipper Day is happening this May and this year, you can do the Slipper Shuffle to help sick children be children.


South Africa (06 April 2023) – Slipper Day returns on 5 May 2023 and calls on all South Africans to donate their small change to help children who are battling life-threatening illnesses. By purchasing supporter stickers valued at R20 each, South Africans can help these children reach for their dreams and earn the right to wear their fluffy slippers on Slipper Day.

Since its inauguration in Kwa-Zulu Natal in 2011, this fun fundraising campaign has grown into a nationwide movement, with everyone from office workers to school children wearing their bunny-eared and fuzzy slippers instead of shoes.

All proceeds raised from the day go to Reach For A Dream, a leading non-profit organisation, to help children fight a serious disease by making their dreams – such as swimming with dolphins, meeting an idol or celebrity or getting a new doll house – come true. This not only gives these youngsters and their families an invaluable respite from daily stressors associated with ill health, but stirs up much-needed courage and hope, helping these little ones believe that tomorrow is worth fighting for.

“Slipper Day is our biggest annual fundraiser with all funds going towards fulfilling the dreams of children who are facing some of the toughest challenges life can throw at them. This year, we’re calling on all South Africans to step up and support Slipper Day not only to celebrate these brave dreamers but inspire hope among them, so they know that no matter what obstacles arise, they are never alone in their journey,” says Julia Sotirianakos, CEO of Reach For A Dream.

Last year, Reach For A Dream raised over R8.3 million – this year they’re aiming even higher with a goal of raising R10 million to help 2000 children.

Get your R20 stickers and Slipper Day merchandise

Locals are invited to visit  to purchase a pair of slippers or socks, and to bulk order your Slipper Day stickers.

Slipper Day stickers will also be available for purchase at retail partners Wimpy, Pick ‘n Pay, Dis-Chem Pharmacies, ToyZone, and Dis-Chem Baby City. Remember to wear your sticker and slippers to Wimpy on 5 May and get a free Famous Wimpy Coffee.

Step up and do the Slipper Shuffle

Reach For A Dream has also launched the Slipper Shuffle dance challenge to get the public on their feet and into their slippers to raise awareness for Slipper Day.

Get ready to move and groove to a new hybrid dance track called ‘Step Up’. Featuring the soulful vocals of Bronté Borcherds, a singer and past dreamer, and expertly composed and produced by Neil Engel of Freq’ncy Audio, this track is sure to put a spring in your step. TikTok sensation and teacher, Mrs Bullock has choreographed the Slipper Shuffle – a simple, five-step dance sequence, which can be easily executed in your favourite pair of slippers.

To learn the moves, simply visit Reach For A Dream’s YouTube channel and watch the step-by-step tutorial or the full 30 second Slipper Shuffle. Wear your slippers and sticker, download the theme song Step Up, film yourself doing the Slipper Shuffle, post it on social media and challenge your friends, other businesses, and schools to do the same. Remember to hashtag #ReachForADream, #SlipperShuffle and #SlipperDay2023.

“Getting involved with Slipper Day is an easy way to do something meaningful while having fun and supporting an incredible cause! So, step up, wear your supporter sticker and slippers on 5 May and do the Slipper Shuffle to help make dreams come true,” says Sotirianakos.

Source: Reach for a Dream Foundation – Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

1 comment

  1. This is the second time I’ve been exposed to your blog… site… etc… and both times I’ve been amazed and impressed by what you do! My first experience was your KES walk up Munroe (cricket Mom… me thinks that says what it says). Your writing is sooooooo readable and so honest and I absolutely appreciate all of your opinions… you are doing an incredible job.
    So today is my birthday and I am 47 years young 🤪
    I treat my birthday as a New Year… the rest of the world can keep 1 Jan.
    But enough crap about me.
    I have my slipper day stickers for my nunu’s and you effort and energy & enthusiasm for all these causes is stunning 🤩.
    I’ll be doing my Sunflower Fund later this year 🥰
    But the whole long winded comment is the following … firstly my kids get irritated that I talk tooooooooo much BUT is to say you doing an incredible job and you are impressive my friend… we need more individuals like u in this world 💜💜💜

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