Heritage Day Rainbow Charities Kitchen Rules South Africans National Orders Third Standing Together
Photo Credit: On File

While everyone has woken up to panic and anger spreading over their timelines, most are now calling for action and standing together in this uncertain time!


In an act of desperate self preservation Zuma has pushed out those of his own party who opposed his wishes to fire Pravin Gordhan. It is speculated that the move has happened to aid the Gupta’s who are involved in three ongoing court cases with Gordon as opposition, and to boost a support system of a pro-Zuma cabinet.

As a South African people, we are strong at heart and spirit, we face things on a daily basis that are unpleasant and tough and yet we always prevail.

This shock has not only hit one side or another, the ripple can be felt in every corner of South Africa and by every citizen. It is in times like these that we see the divides close in and the people stand together as a collective against an injustice.

Already there is call for action and this time people are dead set against slacktivism. They are getting out into the streets and standing together.

“Outside the National Treasury, at 10am today to show [our] objection to this Gupta-inspired coup. #savesa #OccupyTreasury – @_saveSA

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Sources: Twitter

About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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