The SPCA in Bloemfontein is monitoring the situation at the zoo where it has been noted that the animals are not being cared for adequately.
Bloemfontein, South Africa (09 March 2020) – The community and SPCA in Bloem have been watching the zoo struggle to adequately care for and protect the animals within the confines of the premises.
The SPCA has been monitoring the situation, working closely with a dedicated team to combat the issues.
“Zoo’s countrywide are failing our animals, and so is every one that visit and support the Zoo. By no means are we shifting blame or denying responsibility, but we work within the framework of the law, and we have to, once we decide to lay charges, be able to show the court, that will expect us to, that we have exhausted ALL possible avenues to get the Zoo to an acceptable welfare standard for its inhabitants.”
Now that the SPCA has worked through every means of support, they can proceed with legal action. The conditions at the zoo are dire and can no longer be simply corrected. The SPCA has vowed to do more and take this further. They hold the municipality responsible but need support.
“We need all the support we can get to eventually be in a position where the Zoo will be closed down. As the SPCA we can unfortunately not simply walk in and close the Zoo. It is a legal process with many challenges that in fact require the involvement of the Mangaung Management, whom have proven that they are not in a position to care for the animals long term.
Sadly with animals, it does not take days or even weeks for their condition to deteriorate. It happens fast when they are confined and deprived of food and water. While we appreciate the support of the public by delivering food for the animals, we still hold the Mangaung Municipality responsible to care for them and provide food, water and medical care. In events, prior to the current situation, we have issued warnings, and the situation would improve, but sadly fall back into unacceptable conditions.”
While the SPCA asks for help at the zoo, they urge those wanting to help, to do so via their office. Any interaction with the zoo directly could jeopardize their case of animal cruelty.
“We humbly ask the public, animal warriors and our supporters to please support us on this journey, as we do the best we can, with what we have, within the framework of the law. As stated previously, a case of cruelty to Animals will be lodged and the way forward will be determined by this and our presence at the Zoo, as has been, and will be.
We monitor feeding at the Zoo daily and take action when it is not done, within the jurisdiction of our mandate. It is a huge task and responsibility, but we will fight for the animals until such time that they are properly cared for, or relocated to places where they will be cared for.
Should any member of the public wish to donate food, we ask that it is done through our office. This will ensure that we look after the animals, but not jeopardize our own case of cruelty against those that fail the animals.”
If you would like to support the Bloemfontein SPCA, you can find out more here. As mentioned above, zoos in South Africa are failing. If there is one in your community, reach out to your local SPCA to see if there is something being done and if you can assist in any way.