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The US and UK have been updating their laws to effectively fight international corruption. They have already taken on Brazil and South Africa could be next!


The United States and United Kingdom have been updating their laws to combat international corruption. Experts say that this could mean that they will step in and start investigations into the constant corruption that plagues South Africa.

Brazil was one of the first countries to be targeted and since it has had great success in fighting corruption. The United States’ department of justice set up 19 investigations under the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA). In just eight months the country increased its global lead by slotting 38 FCPA corporate investigations.

The companies involved in corrupt activities have been facing massive fines.

“It has become a feeding frenzy with some of the biggest corruption-related fines in the 40-year history of the FCPA levied on global companies,” – Willem Janse van Rensburg, a director at Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr

Willem is an expert in the matters currently taking place and during an interview with Business Tech he compared the similarities between Brazil and South Africa. He thinks it is very unlikely that the US and UK will ignore all the publicity surrounding current corruption allegations in South Africa.

“The question is whether South Africa will end up in the same position as Brazil and face the invasive corporate investigations and concomitant plethora of collateral litigation which normally follow in the wake of a corruption meltdown,”

“The media has already exposed several global companies affected by the South African alleged grand corruption, some of which have stock trading on the New York Stock Exchange and others with definite connections to the UK.

This could very well mean the days are numbered for the corrupt in South Africa. Willem believes that because anti-corruption efforts are a global issue, countries like the US and UK are determined to uphold global standards.

Sources: Business Tech
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

1 comment

  1. Anna en Willem, my hart was al van die eerste oomblikke van hierdie hartseer tyd saam met julle. Ek het my enigste kind,Teneille, 24 jaar oud,8jaar gelede, 3 weke voor haar troue, verloor agv n anurisme. Ek as Mamma was so gelukkig om tussen al my smart en hartseer by haar te kon wees toe sy sterf.Ek is so bewus van die sielige feit dat julle dit nie so kon beleef nie, en daarom,saam met Jan en Juanita Lotz, kan ek my julle smart nie eers indink nie.As ouers het ons die pragtigste, suksesvolle en lewenslustigste dogters vol lag en liefde verloor.Ek is elke dag net so dankbaar dat ek die voorreg gehad het om haar aardsmamma te kon wees en dat ek die wonderlikste band van 24 jaar met haar kon deel. Ek glo julle voel dieselfde. Laat asb weet as daar enige iets is waarmee ek julle in julle wonderlike en nodige projek kan help en bystaan. Sterkte, Trudie

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