The story of Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia selling every possession to buy a bicycle and riding it from India to Sweden to be with his love will warm your heart.
True love is something that everybody likes to hear about. Stories like this one give so many people hope that they too will find their own true loves someday.
The story of Pradyumna Kumar Mahanandia and Charlotte Von Schedvin love started shortly after Kumar’s birth. An astrologer made a prophecy that would come true many many years later. The prophecy said that he was meant to marry a musician woman from a faraway country, who is born under the zodiac sign of Taurus and owns a forest.
Many people don’t believe in such things but for Kumar, having looked back on his life, now believes this prophecy to be the truest thing he has ever heard.
“I believed strongly in the prophecy and now know that everything is planned on this planet,” Kumar told National Geographic.
This is why… When Kumar was a young man, he was working as a street artist in India. A woman sat down to be drawn and as Kumar looked up, his entire world shifted. Some might call it love at first sight.
“When she appeared before my easel, I felt as though I didn’t have any weight. Words are not accurate enough to express such a feeling,” he said.
“Her eyes were so blue and big and round, I felt as if she was not looking at me, she was looking inside me, like an X-ray machine!”
He asked her to come back the next day to be drawn as he couldn’t keep his hands still enough to draw her that day.
“She ended up coming back three times and I did three portraits, ” he said. “After the second time, I felt, she’s the one!”
While drawing her, they got to talking and Kumar learned that Charlotte was born under the sign of Taurus, owned a forest and played the flute, just as the prophecy said. He confessed the prophecy to her, she was not taken aback by the comment and gave the young artist a chance.
They spent three weeks together before Charlotte set off back to Sweden.
“You will be my wife. We were destined to meet.” Kumar told her.
For a whole year and a half, Kumar thought of his love and made plans to be with her. He sold everything he owned to buy a bicycle. He then set off on a 6000-mile (approx 9650 km) journey from India to Sweden to be with her. During his time on the road, he was shown great kindness and helped along the way. He confirmed that biggest issue was his own thoughts and self-doubt.
When he finally reunited with Charlotte, he was the happiest he had ever felt. The couple got married and had two children. They recently celebrated 40 years of marriage.
Their love is inspiring and true. People have loved hearing how they met, how they reunited and how their love has stood the test of time.
Sources: Bored Panda
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