Craig Urbani, a well-known singer, actor and performer in South Africa has just launched his new music video and we absolutely love it.
Craig Urbani’s new song and video is something he self wrote for 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela.
In December 2013, Zelda la Grange, late former President Nelson Mandela’s trusted assistant, presented philanthropist and ‘Arts Angel’, Carolyn Steyn, with a challenge: knit, sew or crochet 67 blankets!
These blankets would then be distributed to those in need on Mandela Day. In honour of Nelson Mandela, celebrated each year on the 18th July, Mandela’s birthday. The day was officially declared by the United Nations in 2009.
Carolyn gladly accepted Zelda’s challenge but soon she called on her friends for help and developed a Facebook group called “67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day”. In just days, hundreds of people from around the world had pledged to knit a blanket for Nelson Mandela Day.
Since then, 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day has transformed into what some are calling a “movement” – a movement that has captured the attention of many South African and international celebrities as well as corporates and “KnitWits for Madiba” in Australia, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Cyprus, London, the US and India.
In its short history, the campaign has realized some important milestones and now it has it’s own song written by Urbani.
“The music video for ‘Could’ve Been Love’ This is dedicated to The founder of 67 Blankets, Carolyn Steyn, and all the “Knitwits” and ambassadors of this increadible initiative which I am so honored to be involved with! And of course the man himself, MADIBA.”
Watch the music video below and download the song on iTunes, Deezer, Spotify and Google Play.