Brady Bernard started collecting plastic bottle lids six years ago in the hope of getting a wheelchair for a local charity; thanks to two recyclers, he was able to collect 830kgs!
Alberton, South Africa (29 May 2023) – A determined young man named Brady Bernard made a promise when he was in primary school and this year, nearly six years after making it, he has finally seen it become a reality. He promised to collect 450kgs of plastic bottle lids in return for a wheelchair to donate to someone in need!
Brady, aged thirteen at the time, and his mom Jenni went to the Alberton High School Open Day six years ago and while there, learned about the plastic lids project being run by Interwaste. The school gave each student that collected 450kgs of plastic lids, a badge and the chance to gift a wheelchair to someone in need.
Brady decided that day that it was a worthy task and he started collecting the lids. Before long, he had his entire community helping. While his goal was originally 450kg, in the space of six years he surpassed that and managed to collect 830kgs!
However, Brady couldn’t do it alone and he took the time to share where his most generous help came from. Around the same time he made his decision to collect the lids, Brady met recyclers Sibu and Simon. He shared his idea and before long, the two men were setting aside the lids so Brady could add them to his collection.
Sibu and Simon became a big part of Brady’s life. When the pandemic hit and recyclers were ordered off the streets, Brady rallied his community and was able to put together essentials for Sibu and Simon so they could survive the hard lockdowns. Sadly Simon passed away in December 2021 but Sibu continued to help Brady collect the plastic bottle lids.
The Big Goal Achieved
On the 5th of May 2023, Brady reached his goal. His school invited Brady to collect his badge and wheelchair. He, in turn, invited Sibu to the handover and as a gesture of thanks for all the hard work, Brady presented Sibu with a gift all his own.

While Brady was collecting his plastic lids, he thought long and hard about where he would donate the wheelchair. When his uncle passed away in December 2022 at the Stepping Stone Hospice, he knew it would be there that he donated his wheelchair.
It is incredible to see this promise come to life all these years later. Brady shared that it was thanks to his fellow students, his community and Sibu and Simon, that he was able to finally get the wheelchair. He is thankful to every person that made this goal a reality!