Who is Melissa Cohen Biden? Well… she’s Joe Biden’s daughter-in-law and she was born in Johannesburg!
Johannesburg, South Africa (09 November 2020) – Even though Melissa Cohen Biden won’t necessarily be living in the White House… the daughter-in-law of Joe Biden, will be able to visit whenever she wants!
Hunter Biden, son of President-elect Joe Biden, married Melissa on the 16th of May 2019 after the pair met and wed less than a week later, according to multiple reports.
The couple first met through one of her friends, who suggested he give her a call. They tied the knot six days after their first “hello,” in a small ceremony at her Los Angeles apartment, according to TMZ and ABC News. Melissa is Hunter’s third wife.
“I instantly fell in love with her,” Hunter, 49, told ABC News of his bride, who is in her mid-30s. “And then I’ve fallen in love with her more every day.”
Melissa, a Johannesburg-local, is an outspoken liberal who now lives in Los Angeles.
The South African born beauty spends her time working as an activist and posts regularly on social media about justice issues, focusing on the plight of the environment, mistreated and endangered animals, indigenous peoples, mistreated workers, and refugees. Long before she met Biden, she was outspokenly supportive of the Obama presidency and critical of President Trump.
After the white supremacist marching at Charlottesville, she wrote of the president, “To those of you who voted for this POS [piece of s**t] you should be ashamed. That’s all.”
Melissa has a tattoo of the word “Shalom,” or “Peace,” in Hebrew on her bicep. Before their sudden wedding, Hunter got an identical tattoo.

He says that he called his father after the wedding to tell him the news, and put the presidential hopeful on speakerphone with his new wife.
“Thank you for giving my son the courage to love again,” Biden told Cohen.
The couple welcomed a baby boy to the world on the 28 March 2020.
The Bidens will be moving into the White House early next year after defeating Donald Trump in the 2020 United States presidential election – Joe Biden is set to be inaugurated as the 46th American president on January 20, 2021.