Only in South Africa: Alarm activation turns into a Zulu homework session!

A security officer responded to a home alarm activation but landed up helping the daughter with her Zulu homework in the process.


Johannesburg, South Africa – A Joburg mom’s home alarm system went off but instead of catching robbers, Stanley the security officer stepped in to help with some Zulu homework.

Mandy Walmsley Spence posted the story on her local Facebook community group explaining that Stanley Sibanda had responded to the alarm activation, but after checking the property, and over-hearing her daughter was busy with Zulu homework, stepped in to help.

“So my alarm goes off tonight and Stanley from ADT arrives to check the garden. Once he determines that no murderers or robbers are lurking in the shrubbery he proceeds to assist my daughter with Zulu homework.

When he heard she was busy with Zulu homework he volunteered to help. So wonderful!!

Huge points to Stanley and ADT! Best customer service ever.”

And the post is inspiring all the community members that have seen it.

Cyllo Mutloane said: “Now this is the SA that was promised to us all and not the nonsense we have being dealing with of crime, hate and false news. Well done Zulu teacher/ADT- security.”

Karessa Burghartswieser commented: “Give this man a bells… Thank you Stanley for restoring some faith in humanity – this really touched my heart. Well done and keep up the great work!!!”

Natalie Jade Smith posted: “Stanley!! What a legend… a great guy with a smile that could disarm the coldest heart. And a true hero in his own right – he’s done more than his fair share of sacrificing for the community.”

Carol Lennox added: “Fabulous! There is a hell of a lot of Ubuntu at ground level. It’s just such a darn pity the stupid ANC and EFFs keep trying to destroy it. Reason? They are poop scared!!! We will stand together, as one, the way we did with e-tolls! That action actually gave them a HELL of a fright and so they started with bell potty and now, all this other racist BS! They are running scared of another unity! The cowards!”

Pamela Andreucci said: “Fabulous There is sooooooo much good in our country SPREAD THE GOOD AND NOT THE BAD.”

It’s only in South Africa where an alarm activation can turn into a Zulu homework session but such a simple act of kindness between two South Africans from different races, and different backgrounds reminds us all of who we really are.

Sources: Facebook
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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