On June 11th one of the “America’s Got Talent” contestants, Brandon Rogers, tragically passed away in a car accident. At the request of his family they honoured his memory by sharing his audition video.
TMZ reported that Rogers was not behind the wheel in the single-car collision, which happened in Maryland. According to the site, Brandon was in the front passenger seat when his friend veered off the road and crashed into a tree.
In the crash report, the driver revealed that he had fallen asleep behind the wheel after a long work shift. Along with the driver, Rogers’ other friend, who sat in the backseat, also survived.
Rogers took to the AGT stage shortly before the accident and sang a song about finding strength in every tear we cry. The words couldn’t be more apt right now.
The video has had over 54 million views on Facebook and had thousands of comments from people offering his family encouraging words of support.
Watch the performance video below: