Baby Luke: The smallest baby with the biggest smile!

Meet baby Luke, who may have been born 10 weeks early and spent 12 weeks fighting for his life in ICU, but his smile is so big that it sometimes makes you forget the rough start that this gorgeous little guy has had!


Jenna and Werner were delighted to find out that they were pregnant, and even more so to learn that they were expecting a beautiful baby boy.

They named him Luke and was eagerly preparing for his arrival.

Unfortunately, he arrived 10 weeks early via an emergency c-section and spent 12 weeks in NICU on a ventilator. During his hospital stay his lungs collapsed, he received numerous blood transfusions and also had several serious infections for which he received different antibiotics and spent some time in isolation. An MRI scan discovered that Luke had a lesion on the right-hand side of his brain and was then diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

“The cause of the initial episode still needed to be determined, and the doctor feared that there might be fluid on the brain or a potential heart defect. Several tests were run in order to find the root cause.

Based on the results from the MRI scan, they discovered that Luke had a lesion on the right-hand side of his brain, and he was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy (CP).”

CP is considered a neurological disorder caused by a non-progressive brain injury or malformation that occurs while the child’s brain is under development. It primarily affects body movement and muscle coordination.

“We were informed that he would more than likely have some sort of disability on the left-hand side of his body, but that it was difficult at such an early stage to tell exactly what the impact would be.

We were then referred to a Paediatric Neurologist. Based on the EEG results, she established that Luke was suffering from Epilepsy, and that he would need specific medication to keep his seizures under control. It was also established that he has high muscle tone as a result of the CP, and that he would require weekly sessions with a physio and chiropractor specialising in CP for the foreseeable future.”

These weekly sessions are extremely vital in his early stages of development, as early prevention will help limit the long-term effects of CP and assist him in reaching milestones he may struggle with. Luke’s development is also lagging from a physical coordination and sensory processing perspective due to him being so prem. In order for us to improve this, he will also need to see an occupational therapist on a regular basis.

Every prem baby is required to have an eye and hearing screening test before they leave NICU. Luke’s eye screening test came back ok; his hearing test however, did not.

“Following two screening tests, we received the unfortunate news that Luke has severe hearing loss in both ears. We were referred to a specialist at the Johannesburg Cochlea Implant Centre (JCIC) as they would be able to advise regarding possible options going forward.”

He is now at home but experiencing a lot of challenges due to the premature birth. Over and above cerebral palsy, Luke also has epilepsy, high muscle tone and profound hearing loss in both ears.

All of this requires medical intervention and support from therapists, which is very expensive.

He is a fighter, that’s for sure, and his parents have been so strong and amazing, but are now faced with the enormous challenge of finding R900 000 for two cochlear implants, which their medical aid plan won’t cover. The implants will help baby Luke to hear, and bring some relief in a very difficult situation.

If you feel like supporting this beautiful, strong boy, please make a donation. However small, it will contribute to the end goal.

Baby Luke: The smallest baby with the biggest smile!

Sources: Facebook | BackaBuddy
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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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