Bikers in De Wildt recently put the joy in a joyride thanks to an annual toy run that saw 600 gifts go to the community’s children!
De Wildt, South Africa (13 December 2023) — This past weekend, a joyride of note lit up parts of De Wildt in the North West as bikers buzzed through the streets bearing toys for the community’s children.
Like Santa’s modern sleighs, plushies and lucky packets were delivered by bikers on an occasion that put the ‘joy’ in joyride for both those on wheels and those who were thrilled at their arrival.
The call went out on the De Wildt Off-Road Bike Club Group and other social media channels for toys to be collected for a community highlight of the year. Toys that were in good nick but needed a scrub or slight makeovers were also suitable as they would be refurbished by the Toy Drive’s organisers.
The call for toy collections was met with a roaring response from the community, and on Saturday, around 600 gifts were delivered.
The toys as well as other surprises made their way to an orphanage amongst other locations in De Wildt’s underserved communities, where the spirit of the festive season was louder than any bike’s hum.
Meanwhile, in other news where toys are making a difference, a herd of handmade elephants became a symbol of strength and hope in Pietermaritzburg as a special gift to both children in clinics and the community at large!