This is a Mother’s Day story with a difference…..
One that began in a terrifying way and ended up with such a happy ending, for 22 year-old Blessing.
Blessing went into labour on the evening of Mother’s Day, Sunday 8th May. She was given a lift by a neighbour of Esther’s to Diepsloot Hospital/Clinic. Knowing she was in labour, Blessing had packed a bag with baby clothes and blankets so she was ready to give birth.
The staff at the clinic dismissed her, saying she was “fine” and not in labour yet. They would not admit her, so Esther and her neighbours decided to drive to Coronation Hospital. En route, Blessing’s waters broke in the back of the vehicle – and the driver of the car was horrified, shouting at her to hold on until they got to the hospital.
Anyone who has had a baby naturally will tell you it’s impossible to “hold on” and as such, nature took it’s course. The labour pains became unbearable and Blessing began screaming. The labour was incredibly quick and in a matter of minutes, the baby was born… in the car!
The lady in the front passenger seat is studying to be a midwife so she was able to assist a little. Somehow the umbilical cord broke and she took the baby from Blessing and wrapped it up in the blanket.
At around 8pm, Sue Harwood got the distress call from Blessing’s aunt, Esther. She could hear that Blessing was still in great pain. They called an ambulance and the Dainfern paramedics to intervene until the ambulance arrived. They met up with blessing at a garage.
This is where they met the miracle baby.
“We bought Blessing a soft drink to get some sugar/energy into her as she was close to fainting from pain and we gave her a large bottle of water and ice to suck and we held little “Nelson” (as we named him afterwards because he had no name yet). What a beautiful little boy, still covered in vernix and keen to start breast feeding!”
Within 15 minutes they had assistance from the amazing paramedics.
“They were gentle, reassuring and so kind to Blessing, checked all her vitals to ensure she was stable, then got her onto a stretcher and into the ambulance where she was taken to Coronation Hospital for the night.”
Blessing went back to Harwood’s place the next morning with little Nelson and all was well, but blessing didnt have enough stuff for her new addition. Sue put out a plea on Facebook – she could not imagine how amazing the response would be.
They received SO much stuff, from clothes & toys, to baby cutlery, dummies, medical supplies and loads more.
“In actual fact, we collected “too much” of certain items for Blessing and Nelson, so we were able to fill a refuse bag with goodies for my GP’s gardener, who also has a newborn – plus we have another bag of the same size awaiting a recipient. There are so many people in need we will not have a problem there. “
Sue donated one of their “Bags of Love”, a project which she runs from Dainfern. They supply destitute/less fortunate women with a (gently worn or new) handbag packed full of useful items such as sanitary products and toileteries, beauty products, jewellery, scarves, snacks, etc. and they get distributed to various communities/individuals.
Bags of love is sponsored by a company that supplies South Africa’s largest retail fashion stores with imported accessories, called Bijoutique cc. They donate their items that don’t make it through their strict quality control. An enormous help for Sue & her team at Bag’s of Love.
“South Africans are just SO amazing…and have proved yet again that people are willing to open their hearts and purses to those in need, regardless of race. We cannot thank everyone enough for giving so generously – and needless to say Blessing and Esther are not able to grasp this generosity yet. To put it simply, they are “blown away” by the kindness!”
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