‘Charity Begins with Me’ has launched their annual coin collection campaign which raised over R11,000.00 last year and now they hope to double it for charity
Stephan Ferreira was diagnosed with Leukemia and refused to let the diagnosis destroy his life! Instead, he decided to spend the rest of his life dedicated to making the world a better place for the less fortunate. He started the organisation “Charity Begins with Me” as a way to give back.
In June last year, he launched a campaign to collect brown and gold coins, the ones that no one really cares for and always end up in a cup or jar somewhere around the house. Stephan selected CLAW (Community Led Animal Welfare) as their beneficiary and confirmed that over R11,000.00 was collected.
“Last year we raised just over R11 000 and we hope to double that this year. Please start those coin jars at home or at the office.”
Stephen now plans to launch the collection again for 2019 and hopes to double the amount collected. They will make further announcements regarding drop off points soonest but you can find all you may need on their Facebook page here.
While we wait for more details, start filling those jars. You can start one at home or with your colleagues at work. All brown, gold and silver coins (1c, 5c, 10c, 20c, 50c, R1, R2 and R5) are welcomed.
These hidden coins can be a treasure trove for charities in need and do not require a whole lot of effort to part ways with. All the donated coins will make a massive impact in the lives of those in need.
So start digging through your car, your couch, your nick-nack draw and anywhere else you store your coins.