Promise Gardener

Brad Brown shared a story about his gardener on Facebook, he created a website for him to get more business and it was so popular the website crashed!


Brad Brown met Promise the gardener just over a year ago when he knocked on Brads front door. All he wanted was some work and promised to do a great job! A year later Brad decided to share Promise’s info in the hopes of getting him more work, what happened next blew everyone away!

“If there is one thing I love it is people who make things happen. I met Promise a year ago. He knocked on my door, introduced himself, told me my grass needed cutting and asked if he could take care of it.”

“He told me not to worry, he has the tools he needs and won’t take long. Two hours later my garden was in tip top shape.”

Promise has been taking care of Brads lawn ever since then!

“Promise lives in Khayelitsha and catches a taxi into Cape Town’s Southern Suburbs every morning. He stores his bicycle and tools at another client’s house where he collects it every morning and hits the streets, looking for work.”

“I often ask Promise how business is and he tells me how he is just managing to get by. Some days are better than others he says. Some days he gets to take care of 4 gardens, other days he heads home having not done 1.”

“Promise is dead keen to work. I can vouch for him and want to put it out there, if anyone in the Plumstead, Wynberg, Kennilworth, Constantia area needs someone to take care of their garden, please give Promise a call.”

Brads company set up a little website for Promise and sent off a few Facebook ads in the hopes of building some interest. After posting his little story on Facebook yesterday with a link to the website he was blown away to see how many people were interested in helping.

The website crashed from all the ‘love’ people where sharing so Brad added an email address for people to send in queries while they worked on fixing the website. The outpour of support for the small business is going to make a huge difference in Promise’s life!

Sources: Brad Brown
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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