Start by doing what’s necessary, then do what’s possible, and suddenly, you’re doing the impossible!
Western Cape, South Africa (14 August 2015) – Carol Ward’s life was turned completely upside down on the 1st of May 2015 but the strong, determined mother of three is doing whatever she can to help her husband.
Her husband, Trevor, was a very active man, he was always full of family hikes, camping trips, walks on the mountains and outings. On the 1st of May, the experienced hiker’s life changed forever, after a devastating 17m fall while on a familiar hiking trail on Table Mountain.
“It is still unclear what exactly caused him to fall while on the India Venster trail that fateful May morning.”
He was part of “The Hikers Network Rescue Team” and has been hiking most of his life. Members of his own team assisted in his three-hour rescue from the section of the mountain just beneath the upper cable car station.
Heavy mist prevented a helicopter from retrieving him at first.
“After scans and x-rays, the doctor said he was quadriplegic. I heard it and realised he wouldn’t have said it unless it was true but at the same time I was still hoping it wasn’t true,”
“Doctors also said recovery from Trevor’s injuries was extremely rare and it would basically take a miracle.”
Carol, who has been a stay-at-home mom for the past 33 years, has had to learn to drive again to take of the day-to-day duties. She also visits her husband daily. After a number of surgeries to his neck and shoulder, he is set to be released from the rehabilitation centre next month.
During Trevor’s three-month stay in ICU, Carol printed and filled his room with various sayings and messages of hope, to motivate her husband and everyone around him.
“Where there is life, there is hope. It’s a case of you have to deal with what’s been given to you & make the most of your life. Whatever it takes for me to make the most of Trevor’s life, I am going to do that.”
Carol has also started various initiatives to raise funds to pay for medical & rehabilitation costs that they found out, their medical aid does not cover. In addition, she is planning for their future as Trevor will no longer be able to work and will need financial assistance to create a sustained life.
“Together we’ve raised almost R30,000 on something called crowd-funding… its a collective effort of people helping people… and yes, we’re raising money but its more about raising believers too.”
The once-active man is taking it in his stride and has even started to crack jokes from his hospital bed; he often asks nurses to wheel him outside to see the beautiful mountain view.
“Start by doing whats necessary, then do whats possible and suddenly, you’re doing the impossible”.
Carol is realistic but hopeful and determined to make this new chapter in their life work, whatever their means.
“I am very, very aware of exactly how different things are going to be in the future. The things we did for fun will most likely be out of the question. But I am already thinking of new things we can do together.”