A post by Cynthia Olson from 2020 is going viral again; She shared how her son got a little too curious about the cat castle, and the fire department was called.
Waukesha County, Wisconsin (02 February 2022) – Cynthia Olson found her son in a very tight spot and, after trying to pull him free, had to concede and call emergency services. She photographed every moment, and only once he was freed was she able to laugh.
Her son had been playing on the cat castle when he stuck his head through the cat hole. Immediatly, he got stuck.
Cynthia took to the group Catspotting Society to share the harrowing experience and how the family laughed about it afterwards. Cynthia shared the post in November 2020, when the world was at the height of pandemic stress. She hoped that it would bring a smile and a laugh to people who needed it most.
“First I would like to say our son is absolutely fine! He was not hurt in any way!!!! I tried desperately to get him out myself but I’m a little vertically challenged and could not lift him straight up and turn his head and wiggle it out all at the same time alone.”
With the pandemic at a critical point, Cynthia had no choice but to call the fire department for a little assistance. She explained the situation to the team, and they gladly sent out some men to help.
“So I resorted to plan B…. (fireman enters scene) And yes the laughed the entire time. They did a phenomenal job!! I am sure it made for a much easier and more entertaining call than most they get these days.”
To make sure her son stayed calm during the rescue, she put his favourite shows on her phone. While he was upside-down, she locked the screen rotation so he could view the videos from that point.