Denise and her son Josh Crichton have faced a tough year together so the Angel Network set up a fund to help Denise hire a carer so she can get back on her feet.
Bedfordview, South Africa (17 March 2022) – Being a mom is tough so getting support here and there can be life-changing. Josh Crichton and his mom, Denise, have been inseparable for 13 years. Denise needs a little support so the Angel Network set up a crowdfund to help her hire a carer.
The Angel Network spearheads several causes and has, on many occasions supplied thousands of essential items to people in need. The Angel Network works as a management organisation partnering with smaller organisations in need of funding and support. They rally their networks for help and then provide the aid needed to support smaller organisations. The organisation also supports individuals when they need it most.
Josh was born at 26 weeks which is considered a micro prem baby. It became clear to Denise that something was wrong when he did not reach any milestones and by 7-months-old, he started having seizures. Josh was later diagnosed with cerebral palsy.
Denise explains that while Josh is severely physically disabled and unable to talk, he understands the world around him. Often he will laugh out loud when listening to a joke and even though he has no way to communicate, she understands his needs fully.
In his 13 years, Josh has undergone countless surgeries to ease his condition as well as general childhood operations and despite his pain, always inspires with his smile.
“He is truly so strong and a huge inspiration to all around him and always manages to smile in these trying times.” – says his mom, Denise
Sadly, Denise lost her job in May 2021. With Josh needing so much of her attention, she has remained unemployed ever since. To ease her worry, a carer is needed so she can take time to find suitable employment again.
“Denise lost her job in May 2021 and has been struggling and worrying non-stop about how to pay the medical aid. It worries her daily now as funds are depleting rapidly. The medical aid pays for his nappies, wet wipes, syringes, chronic medication as he is on 3 medications for his cerebral palsy and a vast amount of other things that literally keep him alive.” – Samantha Parrish on behalf of The Angel Network
A carer or specialised day-care would aid Denise in finding a job that could help her cover medical costs as well as be available to Josh as his needs arise. Josh had a bad fall that will require follow-up medical treatment and care.
So The Angle Network is hoping to raise R100,000 to ease Denise’s worries and give her a chance to get back on her feet. So far, donors have raise just over R47,000 towards the goal.
You can join the cause by supporting mom via BackaBuddy here. As The Angel Network is raising funds, donors are eligible for a Section 18a Tax certificate.