Cheryl-Lyn Potgieter is looking for a new home so the animals she rescues and rehomes will have somewhere safe to stay until they find a furever home.
Table View, South Africa (03 March 2022) – Cheryl-Lyn Potgieter has been rescuing animals for years and has her own rescue charity. She has always taken some work home with her but sadly, her neighbours have now complained. She is hoping to move to a small-holding where can will no longer be restricted in taking care of strays and rescue animals.
Cheryl-Lyn started the Cheryl-Lyn Rescue Organisation in 2015 and has worked tirelessly to protect animals within the Table View area.
She built a solid support system for her rescues and foster animals. Sometimes though, a case needs a little extra attention so she takes the animal home.
Sadly Cheryl-Lyn’s neighbours have not been so keen on her having so many animals. She has been asked to vacate her home after several complaints were logged against her for breaking by-laws related to the number animals within her home. She has lived in her home for 30 years and the news was deeply upsetting. However, a plan has been made to try and remedy the situation. Cheryl-Lyn will be able to continue the good work she does and take care of even more animals.
Cheryl-Lyn shared her story on social media and a helpful person that heard her story set up a crowdfund as an answer to her troubles.
“If I am unable to find premises that can accommodate my rescue organisation I will have to shut my doors. This is not the route I want to take but it seems I am being forced to, if I have no alternative.
The big issue here is MONEY. We don’t know where the next cent comes from to pay our bills – vet bills etc and rely on donations of food etc for the animals. I can confidently say that our bills are always paid and paid up timeosly from the generosity of the people who support me.
I cannot afford to buy a small holding where it will be legal to have a rescue Organization nor can I afford to rent a smallholding as I wouldn’t be able to just pay the rent. Times are tough and I realise that but somewhere, someone might have a great idea.”
The organisation is also registered with a public business organisation certificate so it is able to issue tax certificated for any donations made. You can find out more about the organisation and work done here.
You can support Cheryl Lyn’s Rescue via BackaBuddy here. Raised funds will go towards a property in which Cheryl-Lyn will be able to provide animals with a safe, loving and secure space to rehabilitate and have a better opportunity at life.