Sedgefield threw a massive parade to welcome Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters home after winning her Miss Universe title. Demi-Leigh took to Instagram to share her thanks for the wonderful day and to celebrate reaching 1 million followers.
Sedgefield put on a massive parade to welcome their hometown beauty back after being away since November 2017. The town built floats and invited everyone to come out and see Demi-Leigh.
Before the parade, Demi-Leigh had lunch with her family and friends. She was also with the Mayor of Knysna who gave her a key to the city. While at the restaurant, she shared some inspiring words with the community.
“This is not just a personal victory, this is one for Sedgefield and the rest of South Africa.”
After lunch, Demi-Leigh set off to be in the parade. She was followed by school pupils and teachers, the Working on Fire team and Pink Loerie Festival representatives, on brightly coloured floats from the Sedgefield Primary School sports field.
Demi-Leigh shared her thanks to her hometown on Instagram. She even hit 1 million followers on the photo app around the same time and celebrated with a stunning sunset selfie.
“How do I ever portray my gratitude in word?. I did not expect this at all. To the Garden Route, especially Sedgefield, thank you for welcoming me home with the warmest hugs, brightest smiles and most joyful spirits. To my super mom and everyone involved, thank you for putting together such a magical day.” – Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters, Miss Universe
All the publicity stuff aside, Demi-Leigh also made a point of doing some good while back home. She teamed up with a company to help rebuild a farm after the Knysna Fires. The project will help with the employment of the people who used to work there and restore their homes.
You can see more of Demi-Leigh’s South Africa trip on her Instagram account here.