Free Log Operation UWC

Anelisa Baiiso received a new lease on life when a doctor offered her a free leg operation to correct an injury that caused her daily struggle.


Anelisa Baiiso is a driven and determined woman! She believes in bettering her community which is why she got involved with her campus community. She also studied social work with an aim to help uplift and empower the underprivileged and disadvantaged.

When she was a young girl she broke her leg and was treated by receiving two operations. Unfortunately after the operations, she never went for check-ups and her one leg grew slower than the other. This over the years caused her pain and discomfort. It also prevented her from walking long distances or standing for long periods of time.

Her difference made her stand out at school, she became self-conscious and lost her ability to love herself. However she never let that interfere with her passion to make change for others.

“The CEO of Varsity Sports, Duiter Bosman, took note of her plight, and persuaded his neighbor – Dr. Dirk Nell, who happens to be a knee surgeon”

“The doctor recognised her condition as one that could be rectified by means of an operation, and was moved to assist her.”

The doctor performed the first of two surgeries to correct her leg. The first is a process to straighten her leg. She received the operation in March 2017. Just weeks after her operation she accepted her degree on stage with assistance from some crutches.

“Accept who you are and the way you look,” Anelisa advises those in similarly difficult situations.

“Remember that God put you in these situations for a reason, and so you should love and be happy with yourself. Don’t let others bring you down or make you feel less worthy than you are, because you’re not who you are by accident.”

This is an amazing act of generous kindness! We wish you all the best in your recovery Anelisa!

Free Log Operation UWC Free Log Operation UWC

Sources: UWC 
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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