Charity Feeds children

In honour of the late Elizabeth, a woman that used her pension to feed the children in her community, a charity now feeds 200 children daily.


Elizabeth was an amazing woman! She was retired social worker living in a South African township called Zwelethemba. Elizabeth couldn’t bare to see the children in her community starve, so she used her very small pension to cook meals for the children. Sadly she passed away and the community felt the loss deeply.

Before her passing, three friends based in the UK decided to help Elizabeth with clothing, food and books. They set up fundraising events in the UK and collected Pounds which made a massive difference when converted into Rands. The charity “Elizabeth’s Children” was born and has continued to run in memory of Elizabeth.

The UK charity teamed up Sinetemba and has continued to fund feeding schemes and education. The two charities now feed 200 children on a daily basis.

“Children who were starving and who had no hope, now have somewhere where they are fed, educated and most importantly cared for as part of a community which is Sinetemba.”

“Sinetemba now feeds around 200 children 5 days a week. They also employ 2 teachers, 2 assistant teachers, 4 cooks and a handyman – these 9 employees were previously unemployed. “

The continued work within the Zwelethemba has made a massive impact in the community. The children are fed from kitchens based in two containers and are being taught in 4 other containers. The containers were donated and are situated in the grounds of a local school in Zweletemba.

The foundation works to change four key pillars within the community:

  • The prevention or relief of poverty
  • The advancement of education
  • The advancement of health and saving of lives
  • The relief of those in need

To find out more or to get involved you can visit Elizabeth’s Children here or Sinetemba here.

Sources: Supplied
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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