After helping one neighbour in her 80s by mowing her lawn, this former Survivor SA winner tackled lawn after lawn in his community until it became a ‘mowvement’.
The tribe has spoken, and we think it’s an awesome initiative!
Port Elizabeth, South Africa (15 May, 2023)—You might remember Tom Swartz as the former Survivor SA season 6 champion. Well, Tom has recently added another title to his shelf—the Good Samaritan of Lawns for his community.
Trading survival for beautifying his neighbourhood, came after Tom decided to mow an extra lawn one day in August last year. The second lawn belonged to a fellow neighbour in her 80s and soon became one of many lawns that would face Tom and his cutter.
Soon, Tom cut every pavement verge on their road on both sides, an effort people ‘didn’t believe would last’.
Nine months later and Tom is still at it, with community members of Lucerne Avenue chipping in to join the ‘mowvement’ where they can, contributing to their neighbourhood glow-up.
Recently, the former SA survivor took some time off from his brush-cutter due to shoulder surgery. However, he couldn’t have been more thrilled to wake up to the sound of his neighbours tackling the task in his absence.
“I’m humbled by [my neighbour’s] favour, but more so, I am elated to see how a community is coming together over something a simple as grass trim,” Tom shared.
Soon, the little neighbourhood’s story inspired others to share how their communities have come together to do what’s often the government’s work. From volunteers that come together to plant roses and trees, to communities that clean open areas that are fire hazard headaches, all of their own initiative.
As one user shared ‘that’s how we eat an elephant.’