A fitness junkie posted a ‘not-so-flattering’ photo to showcase her real body and its gone viral because its still beautiful and her message is important!


Ashlie Molstad is a 31 year old fitness junkie who loves to eat! She’s taking the world with her on a journey as she tries to figure out how to fuel her body right so she can continue to eat and exercise as much as she wants.

She’s also real about life and the media who propagate unrealistic body images so she’s taking them head-on by posting photos of herself just being herself.

The post has had over 250 000 likes and been shared over 70 000 times.

“If I’m going to show you the posed, put together, professional sides of me, I’m gonna make damn sure you see the not so flattering sides too. Because, contrary to what society has taught us to think, our worth isn’t measured by how many belly rolls we have, or how many dimples on our booty, or how much jiggle hangs out on our arms.”

Loving ourselves exactly as we are is hard. Because we’ve been told for years that we’re not good enough until we {insert any of the thousands of ideas of perfection that has been fed to us over the years}.

“But I call BS. I say that the real magic happens when we embrace who we are, at every angle and size.”

“This doesn’t mean I don’t also struggle with embracing this body I was given, but it does mean that I understand working on loving me is the most important job I will ever have.”

Our bodies aren’t broken. The message society is trying to tell us by airbrushing everything, erasing dimples and rolls and fluff is.

“So even though its really hard, lets remember we are worthy and beautiful and special and ALIVE. Go on and love yourself today, because THAT shit is whats inspiring.”

“Stop fixing bodies. Start fixing the world!”


Comments on her photos have been nothing short of amazing as social media community members have praised her for showing off her ‘pouch’.

Katie McMahon Stower commented; “My family has always called this ‘the pouch’ which made me feel so much better about it! Girls have this little pouch incase they have a baby and that little pouch keeps your baby safe, never get rid of your pouch!”

Billy Warner posted: “I truly hope that your message gets through to the young women who think that they have to look a certain way to be accepted. I have two amazing daughters who are beautiful because of who they are, not how they look. A woman who is self confident is always a winner.”

Miranda Samson added: “This is awesome!! Kinda nice to know that even the fittest of people have a roll!! Makes me feel Human and not a monster”

Sierra Smith stated: “This is so brave and brilliant. You are awesome 🙂 thanks you a million times for just being real and honest at every stage of your journey.”
Kendal Pimentel added: “THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING THIS. After having my son, my stomach looks disgusting when I sit down and I hate it. But now that I see it is normal, I am going to embrace it. Love you!”

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Sources: Foodie Girl Fitness Facebook

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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

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