Calvin Mathibeli paid a good deed forward to help a man get to his graduation day and become a qualified accountant… not only did he help him, but he also employed him.
South Africa – As much as we all love our country and know the potential we have here, the economic climate is very little to be desired and sure makes living day to day that much more complicated especially when you are on the wrong side of the food chain, so to speak. Which is why doing random acts of kindness when you are in a position to do so, makes a world of difference to someone in need.
It all started with a message from Bheka Nxumo to Calvin Mathibeli, requesting a job for just one month, in order to raise funds to pay for his Graduation.
Bheka was willing to do whatever was available, whether that was to wash Calvin’s cars or look after his garden – the fact that he is a qualified accountant by profession was put aside and not even a mention, his pride went straight into his pocket. His mind was set on one thing, and that was Graduation Day and making a success of it!
“When you have studied and worked so hard to arrive at this point, with the finish line in clear sight, you will stop at nothing to reach out to whomever you identify that could assist, including perfect strangers.“
Who could resist passing up an opportunity to hire such a gem? With pure determination to pursue his passion and calling, Bheka Nxumo is now a Graduate and permanent member of Calvin and Family Group, doing what he loves and is qualified to do.
“He works as an accountant for our company, and we are so thankful for him.”
Someone once gave Calvin an opportunity, that has enabled him to build his empire, and now he is paying it forward and enabling people as often as possible – believing in the future of the people of our beautiful country.