A representative from CLAW said that the wheelbarrow ‘ambulance’ was completely unnecessary but showed how much the kids loved their pup.
Western Cape, South Africa (08 September 2021) – A group of kids are being praised for taking a puppy to the local VET in a wheelbarrow ‘ambulance’.
The kids found a Tick on Tiger’s back and immediatly made a plan to get her to their local CLAW (Community Led Animal Welfare).
CLAW is a welfare organisation renowned as the pioneer of community based primary animal healthcare in South Africa. IFAW is proud to support CLAW as a flagship project of its Community Led Animal Welfare programme.
“The CLAW program brings new hope to impoverished communities where traditional veterinary services are often unavailable. CLAW provides desperately needed veterinary services to dogs and cats, as well as vital animal care education to pet owners in Johannesburg’s poorest township areas. CLAW works closely with community-based organisations, schools, the Department of Agriculture and veterinary services around the city. CLAW distributes food parcels, facilitates a home-based care programme to teach people how to care for the sick and dying, runs food gardens, supports child-headed households and helps communities access health and hospice care.”
A representative from CLAW said that the wheelbarrow ‘ambulance’ was completely unnecessary but showed how much the kids loved their pup.
“The dramatic entry was quite unnecessary, as Tiger was perfectly capable of walking, but a large tick on her back had created some panic, and hence the ‘ambulance’.”
Tiger was quickly fixed up and sent home with the little heroes.
CLAW has a veterinary clinic in Durban Deep, Roodepoort and provides a weekly service in the following areas: Sol Plaatjie informal settlement, Braamfischerville, Durban Deep, Matholiesville, Tshepisong, Ebumnandini, Doornkop, Swanieville, Kliptown, Dlamini, Joe Slovo, Rietvallei, Tudor Shaft, Soul City, Munsieville, Meshenguville, Kagiso 11 and 12, Slovoville, Lawley 1 &2, Hopefield and Kapok.