Pierre and Abi are currently staying as guests at a house in Jeffreys Bay, and after last nights storm, they have earned mega points for saving the house from flooding.
Jeffreys Bay, South Africa (06 May 2021) – Karen Fraser, an Airbnb host in Johannesburg, shared an incredible story about how guests at her parents place in Jeffery’s Bay went above and beyond to care for the house after last night’s storm flooded the area.
The rain has been much-needed, and many have felt relief in what they received during the storm. But, unfortunately, for Karen’s parents’ guests, it was more than they expected!
“I’m based in Joburg and have been an Airbnb host since 2013. Over the years, I have made amazing friends from all over the world thanks to Airbnb, and I have had the most incredible experiences as a result. However, what happened last night exceeded all previous experiences.
I manage my parents Airbnb bookings in Jeffreys bay. My Mom and Dad are on holiday in Mpumalanga whilst their long term Airbnb guest (probably in his 4th month now) is looking after their house in exchange for a month’s free accommodation. Pierre is a real regular who first came to stay with my folks for a month or 2 before Lockdown and then returned about a month or 2 ago. His wife came from the UK and joined him 2 weeks ago. So by now, Pierre has become part of the family.
Jeffreys Bay had 110mm of rain last night in the area where my folks live. Their house flooded!
Instead of jumping ship (excuse the pun), Pierre and Abi stayed and did everything in their power to save as much of the house contents as they could. Pierre moved Mom’s car to higher ground and switched off the electricity board in the house.
Between the two of them, they moved as much as possible of my folks’ belongings out of harm’s way. Being involved in a natural disaster like this can be extremely traumatic as you just don’t know how much worse it’s going to get. Yet Pierre and Abi have remained calm and have been giving my folks much needed regular updates. If it was not for them, who knows how much worse the damage could have been.
Here’s to all the amazing Airbnb guests all over the world! I salute you!”
Karen believes that kindness like this is what could end wars.