The Principal of St Andrew’s College wrote a heartfelt newsletter to show support towards Woodridge College and pledged assistance when the need arises.
Woodridge College all but burned to the ground during the fires. Even with this horrific disaster the college has committed to reopening on the 4th of July. While only a few of the students have been displaced by the fire at the college, the ground staff and teachers were most affected. 39 people including their families have been displaced.
The principal of St Andrews has pledged to offer assistance as soon as Woodridge College has established a full list of needs. He wrote a heartfelt newsletter to the students, parents and community expressing his commitment to stand by the college.
“I awoke on Sunday morning with a sense of bewilderment quite unlike anything I have experienced before. For although. I have experienced my own share of bereavement and loss in my time, the sense of complete astonishment at the series of natural disasters ravaging the Garden Route and Port Elizabeth areas was overwhelming, the damage on a scale hitherto confined to distant places and unknown people was now so real, so vivid.
The wonderful sense of taken-for-granted constancy that is so much of childhood memories, like so much else on that weekend, destroyed. As a community we hold all of those affected in our prayers. We have been in touch with our colleagues and friends at Woodridge College and have pledged our unequivocal support as and when they have established their needs.
St Andrew’s College is as much a community as we are a school, and much of who and what we are is defined by those with whom we share the world, and in particular our little part of the world in the Eastern Cape. And as disaster spurs community into action and it brings out the best in humanity” – Alan Thompson, Headmaster of St Andrew’s College Grahamstown
The Chairman of the Woodridge Trust posted to their Facebook page, updating the community and thanked all those who had offered to assist. She ended off her letter with the hashtag #WoodridgeWillRise
“We’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has come forward to help, either physically in fighting fires or in offering services and assistance in order to rebuild the school. The financial assistance is also greatly appreciated.”
“The show of support from parents, pupils, OW’s, the local community and broader community around South Africa and abroad, including other schools has truly been unbelievable. We are truly humbled. This gives us comfort and confidence that we can rebuild Woodridge.” – Andrea Puggia, Chairman of Woodridge Trust