Care Packs Shelters Stigmatised people homeless street people
Photo Credit: On File | Supplied

A homeless man living in Sea Point, Cape Town found a cellphone on a bench. He picked it up and went to find someone to help him find the owner.


In the midst of so many negative news and stories, Monique Henn would like to share this beautiful story with everyone. She recalled the day her cousin’s phone was forgotten on a bench in Sea Point, Cape Town. 

From the moment they realised the phone was gone, they lost hope that it would ever be found. They attempted to call it but the phone was switched off. What they didn’t realise was that a selfless homeless man had picked it up and was making his way to a nearby garage to get assistance in finding the owner… This is Monique’s story.

“On Saturday, 18 November, I took a trip to Cape Town with my family to celebrate my birthday. On our way back home from Table Mountain, we decide to stop at Sea Point so that the kids can take a swim.”

“While the kids were swimming, we decided to sit on the bench where we could keep an eye on them. My mother kept my cousins phone with her but somehow she left the phone on the bench and only realised that she forgot the phone when we were almost home.”

“We called the phone and it went straight to voicemail. Us thinking, the sim was probably taken out and the phone sold already. My cousin did mention that the phone was almost flat. On Sunday, we accepted that the phone was gone and will never get it back.”

“My cousin being sad because she took so many photos of our first trip to Table Mountain. Sunday evening my uncle decided to call the phone again and to his suprise the phone rang! A guy answered and he said that he had picked up the phone in Sea Point, he is a homeless guy, he asked someone at the nearby garage to put the sim into their phone just incase someone called.”

“Tonight my uncle collected the phone AND the selfie stick that was with the phone. Everything still as it was!!! We would just like to thank this guy, his name is Mark. You didn’t even want to accept the award – we need more people like you in this world!!! We pray that you will find a home and that God will reward you with His Heavenly blessings”

This story proves that there are good people in every walk of life. This is just one of many stories we hear on a daily basis and it lifts our spirits higher each day. If you have a good news story remember to email us or inbox us and spread hope to your fellow South Africans.

Together we are better. Do Good. Be Good. Share Good.

Sources: Supplied 
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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