Not all heroes wear capes!
Johannesburg, South Africa (7 February 2020) – Self-appointed traffic Pointsmen and Pointswomen are helping the city’s congestion by working when the intersections don’t.
From street buskers, to beggars and now even morning joggers, South Africans who are helping during Loadshedding traffic are topping the social media trends around the country. And Good Things Guy readers have been tagging us and sending in photos over the past 24 hours that we just couldn’t ignore!
No one knows who she is but everyone was so thankful for her help!
The city of Johannesburg says that it is completely “illegal,” for citizens to help with traffic at intersections but unfortunately the city is also not offering any solutions during the Loadshedding crisis, so many South Africans are stepping up to the plate, to help each other out!
Where are the OUTsurance Pointsmen?
In September 2019, the Mayor of Johannesburg cancelled the OUTsurance Pointsmen project, but the city has never created a fitting solution to the traffic problem since then, especially during Loadshedding.
This issue has been going on for two years now, with what feels like no real resolve.
On the 29 August 2018 Herman Mashaba, Executive Mayor of Johannesburg, saved over 170 jobs after reinstating the Johannesburg OUTsurance Pointsmen during a lapse in the contract but a year later and the tender process came into question again, causing all the Pointsmen and Pointswomen to lose their jobs.
And Joburgers couldn’t understand the turn-around on the decision.
Just a year ago, the Mayor pointed out how ridiculous it was to let a contract expire that was ultimately free for the city and such a massive help with traffic flow.
“But imagine that we are getting a free service and not paying for it and then for some reason, there are some officials who either deliberate or through lack of competence just let that contract expire?” The Mayor of Johannesburg opened up to David O’Sullivan and his listeners on KAYA FM.
He blamed the contract and tender process on a “systemic way to really sabotage his administration” but a year later and our intersections are a mess while the 170 Pointsmen are nowhere to be seen.
OUTsurance released a statement on the 1 September 2019 regretfully confirming that the tender process for the awarding of the Pointsmen contract has not been completed by the City of Johannesburg (CoJ) before the deadline of 31 August 2019.
So while Joburgers wait for a solution from the city with regards to Pointsmen at the intersections, many are just celebrating all the ordinary citizens who are stepping up, and helping them get to where they need to be on time!
**If you have any information on the jogger, please send us a message!