Karate Kids

Michael, the batman of Grahamstown has created a video to promote the Karate Kids and to help raise funds for their big competition in Scotland 2018


Michael is the writer of the blog, ‘Grahamstown, The Magic’ which has been focused on feel good stories and upliftment in Grahamstown. He has been dubbed Batman, for cleaning up the streets. It all started when Michael moved to the town and went around cleaning up illegal posters.

Michael promotes many various projects on his blog. The latest promotion he has done is to help raise funds for a pair of Karate Kids who have been invited to attend a massive competition in Scotland. The competition is in May 2018 so all the fund raising has started to get them there.

“There is a family in Grahamstown who have very quietly been donating what they could to my various projects and they do it with a smile each and every time. I met Zarina Syed Cassim shortly after moving here. She has been quietly helping with whatever she could and finally I get a chance to try to help her in her time of need.”

“Zarina has 3 amazing children. The oldest, “Ali-Ahmed” age 11, is a confident and rather bright young man. His sister, “Tehzeeb”, age 8 today, just as confident and bright, is the sweetest little girl I have ever met and has a giggle so infectious that the mere memory of her giggling is enough to chase any dark clouds away.”

Ali-Ahmed and Tehzeeb are mini karate pro’s! Ali-Ahmed has his red belt and Tahzeeb has an orange belt, they have been invited to take part in a World Karate Championship in Scotland. It takes hard work and dedication to get that far.

Micheal went to visit the family and together they created a fun and very cute video to help raise awareness to their fundraising cause.

“While coming up with the choreography, their mother would call out what I assume were karate positions which they knew by heart and executed without hesitation. These kids are good, incredibly disciplined and humble at heart.”

If you would like to find out more about the kids and how to support them click here.

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Sources: Grahamstown The Magic

About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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