Mama Fifi Inner City
Photo Credit: Bertrams Inner City Farm

Bertrams Inner City Farm, run by Mama Fifi, highlights the positive impact growing fresh food can have on a community, even in the inner city.


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Johannesburg, South Africa (30 September 2021) – A trip into the heart of Johannesburg can be one for the nerves. Still, the area is changing as people breathe new life into projects and new ventures. Refiloe Molefe, known as Mama Fifi, is one of the people working to change her community, and she started by growing food.

The Bertrams Inner City Farm producing vegetables that are sold to the community, local retailers and restaurants. Mama Fifi started her farm in 2006, and it has been the pillar of hope in her community. The farm is located on one hectare of land, and they practice organic gardening.

Mama Fifi started the garden because she saw children going to bed hungry. She wanted to create something that would feed and uplift the community. The farm has become an opportunity not only to earn an income and empower people, but it also provides nutrition for people in need and options for restaurants looking to source local, organic produce.

The one thing that has not been common knowledge is that Mama Fifi uses her vegetables to feed the homeless. In an interview with New Frame, she shared that she cooks meals every Tuesday and Thursday using her fresh veggies. The meals are then given to the homeless in the community. Mama Fifi uses her farm to teach children to grow their own, thus hopefully breaking the cycle of poverty.

She has even started selling health-style foods, from pressed juices to dried greens, all perfect for smoothies. Those wanting to support the farm can find out more via the Facebook page here or visit the farm at 46 Bertrams Road, Bertrams, Johannesburg.

Sources: Bertrams Inner City Farm
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About the Author

Tyler Leigh Vivier is a writer for Good Things Guy.

Her passion is to spread good news across South Africa with a big focus on environmental issues, animal welfare and social upliftment. Outside of Good Things Guy, she is an avid reader and lover of tea.

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