Mhlengi Gwala, a star triathlete from Chesterville in KZN, was attacked by three men who attempted to cut one of his legs off using a handsaw. Two months later, South Africa is still supporting him.
Mhlengi Gwala was cycling near the University of KwaZulu-Natal (Howard College Campus) around 3.30am when he was stopped by three men and dragged into the bushes. The men had no interest in robbing the star athlete, instead, they attempted to saw his leg off.
Luckily, security guards distracted the attackers and came to Gwala’s rescue and he was taken to a private hospital.
Mhlengi’s story sparked outrage and the senseless act made local and international headlines. Hoping to raise funds for Mhleng’s medical treatment, JP Valverde from My Project Generator set up a BackaBuddy crowdfunding campaign.
Good Things Guy was the first publication to break the story about the crowdfunding campaign and in a few short hours, the crowdfunding campaign surpassed the R150 000 mark. To date, the campaign has raised R 773,374.05 which will go towards medical expenses, rehabilitation and covering Mhlengi while he is unable to work.
On Wednesday, Gwala was surprised with the gift of a brand new Lala bed and TV from local retailer Teljoy.
“Mhlengi has been through so much but he’s not letting it get him down and it’s such an inspiration,” says Teljoy’s CEO, Rami Sassen.
“A big part of Mhlengi’s healing is about getting enough rest. We wanted to make sure he does so in comfort, and since he will be resting so much, we thought he’d also need a good TV to keep him entertained too.”
Gwala, took to his Instagram to share the good news, writing,
“Thank you so much to Kelly Scates and Teljoy. For the Donation of 40” Hisense TV and Queen size bed. Thank you so much, guys. ‘Izandla Zidlula Ikhanda (a Zulu expression of gratitude)’”
His road to recovery is still long, but South African will be with him every step of the way. You can follow his progress of his rehabilitation on his Instagram account.
Sources: Supplied
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