Laura Morrison travelled from Scotland to South Africa, over 20,000km, behind the wheel of a blue 1958 Morris Minor to raise funds for Cancer Research.
She arrived in Cape Town this week after a successful trip from Scotland to Cape Town. Scotland is located at the very top of the United Kingdom and Cape Town is at the very bottom of South Africa. That is a very long trip and had to include crossing multiple oceans to get here.
While the trip was a success, Laura had a few hiccups along the way including punctured tyres in Botswana and a bit of repair work in Zimbabwe, even a breakdown in Strandfontein.
“I had so many problems and broke down on the road so many times, but there was always somebody there to help me.”
Laura was born in New Zealand but her father was from Aberdeen in Scotland. It was his dream to drive from Scotland to Cape Town in his bright blue 1958 Morris Minor. Sadly he passed away from cancer two years ago and left Laura his beloved car. She decided to honour her dad and make his dream become her dream.
“It was one of my dad’s dreams to drive from Aberdeen to Cape Town and he never got to do that because he passed away from cancer two years ago.”
She dedicated the trip to raising funds for cancer research. Laura managed to raise $32 000 (R444 000) for the Cancer Society Research Division.
“It’s a cause that’s close to my heart. There’s no one these days that you talk to that hasn’t been affected by cancer or had a loved one affected. It was my way of making a small difference.”
She met hundreds of people along the way and was blessed to be spoiled at each stop she made. She was given biltong,
“75 kms to go until Cape Town and we’re getting convoyed in by the local Morris Minor Club.
SOUNDTRACK TODAY is some of my Dad’s old favourites like Dire Straits & Status Quo, and just for me Toto Africa and Rodriguez – Do yourself a favour and watch ‘Searching for Sugar Man’.”
Every cent donated to the fund has gone to the Cancer Society. She funded her trip herself and loved every minute of it, despite the hiccups.