Organ Donor

A South African campaign bringing awareness to the Organ Donor plight is going viral globally… for all the right reasons.

The campaign was launched earlier in the week but has gone global today, which is perfect as it’s actually International #Save7Lives day!

This day is a celebration of all the lives which have been saved through transplantation, as well as a day to honour those who have made the courageous decision to donate their organs. Importantly, the day also highlights how anyone can be a hero and save 7 lives, just by saying “Yes” to organ donation.

Love Life; Gift Life (LLGL) started the social media campaign where they have been encouraging family and friends of transplant recipients to show their support for organ donation by posting a picture of themselves holding up a sign of support.

Hundreds of signs have been popping up on every social media platform and have also been posted from all other world.

Organ Donor

Organ Donor

Anyone who supports organ donation is welcome to join the campaign with a message saying “I support organ donation”.

LLGL was founded in April 2016 by four friendswho have all been fortunate enough to receive lung transplants. Shaylene Perry, Alice Vogt, Fawn Rogers and Siobhan Scallanare are all passionate about organ donation and want to heighten the level of organ donor awareness among the general South African population.

Their current focus is to share the stories of transplant recipients, those who are on the waiting list for an organ transplant, and families who have donated a loved one’s organs.

The LLGL team want to show how positive organ donation is and how it affects real people, both those who have received organ transplants and those still desperately waiting to receive the gift of life.

“By attaching faces to the stories, we add a personal element which resonates with donor families as it gives the family a chance to see how important and life-changing saying “Yes” to organ donation can be.”

This message is very important as it serves as a reminder to the public that being an organ donor affects more than just the organ recipient, it affects their entire family and friend circle.

One organ donor can save 7 lives but they canalso positively affect hundreds of people and this is what our social media campaign is emphasising – the impact organ donation has on every day South Africans.

Currently thousands of people in South Africa are waiting for a life-saving organ transplant and with not even 1% of the population registered as organ donors.

The situation is dire.

The reality is that not all people on the waiting list will receive an organ in time. This may seem at odds with the number of deaths reported daily in South Africa, but many potential donors go unrecognised by medical staff or, donor families may deny consent if not aware of their loved one’s wishes or if they have been misinformed about organ donation.

A donor’s family ultimately has the final say regarding organ donation, so it’s imperative that the public make their next-of-kin aware of their wishes to be an organ donor.

Some facts about Organ Donation

  • Two independent doctors have to sign off that you are brain stem dead before you can be considered as a potential organ donor.
  • Your body is not mutilated, only viable organs are used, and it is still possible to have an open casket funeral.
  • There is no age limit on becoming an organ donor.
  • You can save 7 lives by signing up to be an organ donor.
  • Your family still need to give consent before your organs are donated, even if you have registered, so be sure to let your family know of your intentions.
  • In addition to saving 7 lives, your skin can be used to help burn victims and your corneas can be used for cornea transplants to restore a person’s sight.
  • There are no tests required when signing up to be a donor, all tests are done at the time of your death, once your family has given consent for your organs to be donated.
  • Your treating physician is not the same person who does the organ recovery therefore saving your life remains top priority over donating your organs.
  • The 7 life saving organs are: 2 lungs, 2 kidneys, heart, liver and pancreas.

For more info or to post your picture… check out the amazing Love Life; Gift Life Facebook page here.

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About the Author

Brent Lindeque is the founder and editor in charge at Good Things Guy.

Recognised as one of the Mail and Guardian’s Top 200 Young South African’s as well as a Primedia LeadSA Hero, Brent is a change maker, thought leader, radio host, foodie, vlogger, writer and all round good guy.

1 comment

  1. I am a post lung transplant pacient. I have so far recived 4 years (and counting) that I would not have had if my donor and his family made the choice. I am forever greatful and live every moment to the fullest!

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